How to read your utility bill


There is a perforated line in your bill. The portion on the left half is for you to keep in your records. The right half is for you to include with your payment when you submit it.

1) This is the date your bill is due by. You can pay your bill prior to this date.

2) This is your Utilities Account Number. If you have questions about your bill please call with this account number available as we will be able to find your account more quickly.

3) This is the total amount due that includes your electricity, water, sewer, sewer bond and garbage.

4) This is amount you will owe if you pay your bill any time after the 10th of the month.

5) This is the amount of electricity in kilowatts that you have used for the billing period indicated next to number 9.

6) This column is the individual break down for what you paid for each of your utilities services.

    EL - Electricity   WA - Water    SW - Sewer   SB - Sewer Bond   GB - Garbage

    Water, Sewer, Sewer Bond and Garbage are all charged on a flat rate. The Water has a summer rate that is slightly higher and runs from    May through August.

7) AR stands for "arrears." If there is any amount still due from a previous months bill it will show here to the right of the red 7. This amount is included in the amount due indicated next to number 3.

8) This is the physical address for which the bill represents. If you have more than one account with the City of Soda Springs you can look here to determine which location your bill is for.

9) This indicates the dates for which you are being billed.

10) If your bill is on Direct Pay you will see this on your bill. Direct Pay can be set up by filling out a form at City Hall or under Residents to apply online. This will allow the city to automatically take your payment out of your checking account on the 10th of every month. It is an easy way to make sure your bill is paid on time.  

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